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Information about Journal

Starting year of publication - 2024


Language - English

Format - Online

The Asian Journal of Ayurveda Siddhanta (AJAS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed and open-access journal committed to advancing scholarship in the field of Ayurvedic philosophy and theoretical frameworks, known as Siddhanta. AJAS provides a dedicated platform for the dissemination of high-quality original research articles, review articles, short communications, and critical analyses focusing on Ayurvedic philosophical principles and their applications.

Aim and Scope

The Asian Journal of Ayurveda Siddhanta (AJAS) aims to serve as a platform for the exploration and dissemination of research outcomes that deepen our understanding of the fundamental principles, concepts, and theoretical frameworks of Ayurveda. AJAS is dedicated to advancing scholarship in Ayurvedic philosophy, epistemology, and conceptual paradigms, thereby contributing to the preservation, promotion, and evolution of this ancient knowledge system.

AJAS welcomes original research articles, review articles, critical commentaries, and theoretical perspectives that encompass a broad range of topics related to Ayurvedic Siddhanta (philosophy) and its applications. The journal's scope includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

  1. Classical texts and interpretations: Analysis and interpretation of foundational Ayurvedic texts such as Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, and Ashtanga Hridaya, among others.
  2. Philosophical foundations: Exploration of the philosophical underpinnings of Ayurveda, including its metaphysical principles, cosmology, ontology, and epistemology.
  3. Conceptual frameworks: Examination of key concepts and theoretical frameworks in Ayurvedic philosophy, such as Tridosha theory, Panchamahabhuta theory, and concepts of health and disease.
  4. Historical perspectives: Studies on the historical development and evolution of Ayurvedic thought, including its intersections with other philosophical and medical traditions.
  5. Comparative studies: Comparative analyses between Ayurvedic Siddhanta and other philosophical systems, including Western philosophy, Eastern philosophies, and contemporary scientific paradigms.
  6. Contemporary applications: Exploration of the relevance and application of Ayurvedic Siddhanta in modern contexts, including healthcare, wellness practices, and holistic lifestyle management.
  7. Methodological approaches: Methodological reflections and innovations in the study of Ayurvedic philosophy, including hermeneutics, textual analysis, and interdisciplinary research methods.
  8. Critical perspectives: Critical examinations of prevailing interpretations and assumptions in Ayurvedic scholarship, fostering dialogue and debate within the field.

Through its rigorous peer-review process, AJAS endeavors to publish scholarly works that contribute to the advancement of knowledge and understanding in Ayurvedic Siddhanta. By promoting interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration among scholars, educators, practitioners, and students of Ayurveda, the AJAS aims to enrich the academic discourse and support the continued evolution and relevance of Ayurvedic wisdom in the contemporary world. Researchers and scholars are invited to submit their contributions to AJAS to foster the growth and development of Ayurvedic scholarship and promote cross-cultural dialogue and understanding.